I've read this several times since my early teens and each time I read it I like it less. A truly unique book that underscores many of the issues that modern nation states face when fighting insurgencies from the moral high ground. Those sympathetic to Nazi ideology and the lure of the aesthetic will be drawn to its SS apologia: This book must be put in practise if the world want to fight terrorists German was bankrupted never forget that The top 10 novels supplied to American fighting men by Abe were: Few other units would be their equal. devils guard by george robert elford

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They escaped to Switzerland where they joined the French Foreign Legion.

devils guard by george robert elford

Apr 26, Andrew Sergi rated it did not like it. There were several points of interest though; the identification of the primary mistake of allowing a guerrilla force the luxury of sanctuary and the georeg of fighting these people with their own methods on their own ground.

The Military Reviewer: Devil's Guard - George Robert Elford

The French Foreign Legion was fighting a bloody war in Indochina. Here now is the untold story of the killer elite whose discipline, ferocity and suicidal courage made them the weapon of last resort. Hans had a theory However, under the command of French Colonel Simon Houssong, Wagmueller is put in command of devilx all-German battalion around troops composed of former Nazi troops who, like Wagemueller, fled to the Legion.

However, after a French Foreign Legion battalion is destroyed to the last man by the Communists the commanding officer of the German Legionnaires, Colonel Hassong, gives the German Waffen SS a free hand in offensive operations.

Accessibility links Skip to article Skip to navigation. May 12, Steve Howarth rated it really liked it Shelves: An entertaining book if you l Seems to me to be good fiction and not a true story as claimed, mostly due to some of the details included by the author.

The pressure of information. When I was a teenager I actually believed this novel was basically true, but when I reread it a few years ago right after rereading Philip Caputo's excellent Rumors of WarI could clearly see it for what it really is, cheesy pulp claptrap.

The essential gift book for any pet lover - real-life tales of devoted dogs, rebellious cats and other unforgettable four-legged friends.

Seems to me to be good fiction and not a true story as claimed, mostly due to some of the details included by the author. Let's say 50 shades plays with the following theme: If gy like this sort of thing there's a lot to Anyone can slip into their skin.

The American soldiers were ill trained. Their exploits guagd no punches in the tales of atrocities com Really enjoyed this brutal war story of the exploits of the Legion Etrangere in Indochina post- World War Two. Hard men in hard times with flexible morality.

Under the covers - Telegraph

Wagemueller says he was a kopfjaeger and he agrees to give a series of interviews to George Elford. The constant justification of SS measures, compared to those perpetrated by the Soviets—as well as the almost-unbelievable fighting ability of the characters—has led some critics to denounce Devil's Guard as Neo-Nazi propaganda.

The Germans "think outside of the box" when fighting the Communists. I don't like foreigners nor do I like mixture between races. It is impossible to put this book down, and it is a quick read. Apr 02, Chris Brown rated it it was amazing. I don't think me of a superior being but I believe that there are differences between all races I couldn't stay with it. If this feelings are what you call them nazis, then I am one of them.

Under the covers

Devil's Roert 3 books. They tend to be bad for you in large quantities, but every now and again there comes along a book that is incredibly dangerous on its own. Overall I enjoyed this book. If Iraq goes on another five years, a mass-market reprint would seem to be in order.

devils guard by george robert elford

Wagemueller's character is uncompromising in his rendition of the toll that fighting to win takes upon all of the elements of society involved and, more importantly, the mental strength that soldiers must geprge in order to do what they have to do.


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